POV Statements
The design thinking process is a purposeful, thoughtful procedure. After spending a considerable amount of time getting to know who the user is and what they want, the next step is for the designer to decide how they can help. This is done by defining the problem.
Problem statements aim to take everything learned in the early design stages and find the best possible way to help the user. A POV is a meaningful and actionable statement, articulated by combining prior knowledge of the user, their needs and insights formed during the empathy stage. A good POV solidifies the design vision by defining the main challenges to address throughout the process. POVs are expressed by combining three elements: user, needs, and insight.
In this exercise, I created POV statements using existing applications. After gathering user reviews across multiple platforms I identified what users were happy with, what they were frustrated with, and where they personally thought the app could be improved. Based on this research I created POV statements that summarized the users' current experience and how it best can be improved.