IMDb Usability Testing Research
This report is an in-depth evaluation of the internet movie database IMDb. Prior to the start of this research, IMDb underwent a redesign at the launch of their own streaming service in 2019. Even after updating the aesthetics, it was clear that the site could continue being improved upon.
IMDb’s current site can be summed up in one word: overcrowded. The initial evaluation of the site was that it appeared busy and unfocused. The design has adopted an appearance similar to popular streaming sites, with little to no variation between different features on the homepage. Information is presented in large, repetitive volumes. Navigation is bogged down by lack of clear labeling and search function organization. I set out to find a way to integrate the new streaming features into the site’s overall function and better organize the existing information to deliver a more user-friendly experience.
To fully understand how to better meet user needs, the site underwent a series of studies centering the user experience interacting with the current interface. Using research methods such as Card Sorting, Interviewing and Surveying, and Usability Testing, I gained insight into the current user experience. Using the information from this testing, I was able to propose recommendations that would help the site better meet the user’s goals and expectations. In this report, those recommendations and suggestions are presented along with the evidence to support my claims and a breakdown of the research methods used to gather the evidence.